
The City Reimagined: Creating world class public realm and infrastructure for a greener and smarter city

01 December 2022

CPA members joined us on Thursday 1 December for a breakfast seminar hosted by Avison Young.

Post pandemic, the City is facing a unique set of challenges felt only by the most successful of commercial hubs, but the City is not standing still. Renowned for its unique ability to adapt to the times, the future of the City is being reimagined. Building on its rich heritage and culture, plans for new and revitalised public realm and leisure use are just part of the City of London Corporation’s ambitious plans to ensure it remains a world leader in commerce and culture. 

Under its Destination City banner, the City Corporation has launched a programme of activities, initiatives and investments to enhance the perception of the City as a place for work and play and transform its offer, but this is only one part of the story.  

This CPA seminar brought together policymakers, property leaders and business and cultural groups, who explored how the private and public sectors can work together to go further and deliver meaningful and transformative change, creating the City of the future.  


  • Ilna Patel – Nuveen Real Estate, Director & CPA Board member
  • Lady Lucy French OBE – CEO, Fleet Street Quarter
  • Gwyn Richards – Planning and Development Director, City of London Corporation
  • Ross Sayers – Head of Development Management, Central London at Landsec & CPA Board member
  • Alec Shaw – Director of New Museum Project & Estate at Museum of London